In the village of Novozhivotov Oratovsky district, Vinnytsia region, OCU activists seized the church of the Holy Intercession CommunityOf the Tulchinsky Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, reports on its Facebook page «Pershy Kozatsky»with reference to the rector Archpriest Peter Monastyrsky.

According to the priest, on October 3, the raiders cut the locks on the Holy Intercession Church and hung their own, and on October 5, they went into the church and locked themselves there. Believers of the UOC, led by the abbot, called the police, whose representative, after a long altercation with schismatics, was still able to enter the premises.

As it turned out, the invaders refer to the court’s decision of September 6, which partially satisfied the claim of OCU activists who wanted to get the keys to the church. The court denied them access to the keys, but ordered their representatives to:The Tulchinsky Diocese of the UOC should not be prevented from accessing the church premises. Now parishioners of the UOC in Novozhivotovo cannot enter their church.

As the UOJ reported, on September 3, 2021, supporters of the OCU occupied St. Johnthe Theologian Church in Krasnoselka, previously sealed by the police. InThe Tulchinsky Diocese condemned the seizure and decided to send Zelensky a letter of protest, and the UOC Legal Department reported that the affected community still has legal mechanisms that allow it to protect its rights.

Source: UOJ

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