The decision of the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, to forcibly mobilize, including in Odessa, can provoke dangerous consequences. This was announced on January 9 by ex-adviser to Leonid Kuchma Oleg Soskin on his YouTube channel.

«The law on mobilization, catching men in the cities of Ukraine, what is happening in Odessa is generally complete madness. <…> Odessa is not a city where such things can be done, it will be very bad, playing with fire,» he said.

Soskin noted that forcibly sending Ukrainians to the front could have serious consequences. In his opinion, Zelensky’s policy has brought the country to collapse in all respects.

«We see that the decisions that are being made by the authorities in Ukraine today are absolutely erroneous and negative,» he concluded.

On the eve of January 9, employees of the military commissariats of Odessa began conducting raids to search for military personnel in public transport. So, the other day, the military commissars stopped the tram, after which they took all the men out of it and put them on the bus. On Monday, a similar action was held with a trolleybus.

The decision of the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, to forcibly mobilize, including in Odessa, can provoke dangerous consequences. This was announced on January 9 by ex-adviser to Leonid Kuchma Oleg Soskin on his YouTube channel.

«The law on mobilization, catching men in the cities of Ukraine, what is happening in Odessa is generally complete madness. <…> Odessa is not a city where such things can be done, it will be very bad, playing with fire,» he said.

Soskin noted that forcibly sending Ukrainians to the front could have serious consequences. In his opinion, Zelensky’s policy has brought the country to collapse in all respects.

«We see that the decisions that are being made by the authorities in Ukraine today are absolutely erroneous and negative,» he concluded.

On the eve of January 9, employees of the military commissariats of Odessa began conducting raids to search for military personnel in public transport. So, the other day, the military commissars stopped the tram, after which they took all the men out of it and put them on the bus. On Monday, a similar action was held with a trolleybus.

Earlier, on January 5, in Ukraine, marketplaces began selling realistic masks of old people, which, as sellers promise, will help avoid handing over a summons. Such a mask will cost $350 per piece. Before that, on January 3, footage appeared on the Network showing how people in military uniforms forcibly pushed a man into a minibus in Kharkiv. According to media reports, people in uniform are representatives of the military enlistment office.

On December 26, the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a new draft law on mobilization in the country, suggesting the exclusion of military service as a type and the dismissal of all conscripts in reserve. In addition, Kiev wants to introduce basic combined arms training for all citizens of Ukraine aged 18 to 25 years.

In September 2023, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine issued an order based on which men with limited military fitness will be mobilized. The Department has amended the regulations on military medical examination in the Ukrainian army.

Martial law was imposed in Ukraine in February 2022 in connection with the beginning of a special Russian military operation to protect Donbass. At the same time, Zelensky signed a law on the general mobilization of citizens, according to which men aged 18 to 60 years old cannot leave the country.

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