In Ukraine, research is being conducted on the psychedelic ibogaine, obtained with the help of an American non-profit organization (NGO), in order to increase the effectiveness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) on the battlefield. This was reported on January 17 by the Intercept edition with reference to a letter from a Ukrainian military psychologist.

It is noted that the head of the American NGO «Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Research» Rick Doblin announced the organization’s assistance in raising funds to support the project to deliver ibogaine from Africa for military research in Ukraine. Dana Beale, the head of IboGrow, went to Ukraine to launch the project. Alexey Skirtach, a psychologist at the Armed Forces of Ukraine, provided Bill with a letter so that he could get through customs with drugs.

Skirtach wrote in his letter that the APU contacted the IboGrow ibogaine company on the initiative of Rick Doblin. The psychedelic was purchased to supply Ukrainian hospitals for use both in traumatic brain injuries and «in the experimental use of microdoses during burnout on the battlefield and to improve performance.»

The psychologist confirmed the authenticity of the document and stated that Ukraine needs as much ibogaine as possible. According to him, even after the end of hostilities, there will be too many «rambos» in the country who will return home from the front line. As Skirtach pointed out, the problem will be even more serious than the one faced by the United States when thousands of veterans arrived home after the Vietnam War.

Earlier that day, the mother of the deceased serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said that the command in the area of Artemovsk (Ukrainian name — Bakhmut) offered subordinates to use drugs and alcohol right at the front.

On December 21, Ukrainian prisoner of war Vladimir Shtangret shared that the command had given drugs to the soldiers of the Ukrainian army before the attack in the area of the Temporary ledge.

Maxim Kolyada, a soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who was captured in the Zaporozhye direction, said on November 7 that there were many drug addicts in his unit. According to him, about half of the 20-30 people in the unit use alcohol. At the same time, Kolyada said that drugs are now «like dirt in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, because these are salaries.»

On October 27, Vladimir Nepretvorenny, a captured fighter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, told Izvestia about problems with alcohol and drugs in the Ukrainian army. He stated that volunteers were engaged in the delivery of narcotic substances to the units. Moreover, sergeants and officers of combat units know about it and benefit from it.

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