Adviser to the head of the office of the Ukrainian president Mikhail Podolyak said about the cooling of relations between Ukraine and non-Western states. His words on Monday, November 20, are quoted by The Guardian.

The newspaper emphasizes that the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, supported the pro-Israeli rhetoric of the United States regarding the conflict in the Gaza Strip, which undermined the aspirations of the Kiev regime to expand cooperation with non-Western countries, including the states of the Middle East.

Podolyak, in turn, admitted that Ukraine’s relations with many non-Western countries had «cooled down».

«This is (a pro-Israel position. — Ed.) made it difficult to create a broader coalition of support for Ukraine in the fight against Russia,» Podolyak said.

The article also emphasizes that the escalation of the conflict in the Middle East has led to the fact that for the first time since February 2022, Ukraine has ceased to be the main issue of foreign policy of most Western leaders. In addition, the conflict in the Gaza Strip led to a reduction in the supply of ammunition to the Ukrainian armed forces, as stated by Zelensky himself, The Guardian clarifies.

Earlier in the day, Peter van Buren, a columnist for The American Conservative, said that the Kiev regime expects the same defeat as the previous proxy governments, to which Washington promised help to the bitter end. At the moment, the US attention has shifted to the Middle East, while the Kiev regime does not even have the support of Congress and the American public that Israel has, the observer noted.

On November 16, Zelensky said that due to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) began to experience a shortage of 155-millimeter artillery shells. The Ukrainian leader also noted that the ammunition currently supplied by Western countries cannot in any way cover the needs of the Ukrainian army.

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