In Ukrainian Poltava, for every 100 mobilized citizens per year, there are 80-90 wounded or killed. Poltava region reported this on Friday, September 15.

“Out of the 100 people who joined the units last fall, 10-20 remain, the rest are dead, wounded and incapacitated,” writes a local online publication, citing the acting head of the regional military registration and enlistment office, Vitaly Berezhny.

According to him, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are in urgent need of replenishment of military units. He also clarified that in Poltava the plan for general mobilization was only 13% completed.

Martial law has come into force in Ukraine since February 2022, while at the same time the law on general mobilization is in force in the country. According to the order, men aged 18 to 60 years old are not allowed to leave the country.

On September 13, former Verkhovna Rada deputy Ilya Kiva said that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is going to begin general mobilization in the country at the end of autumn. According to him, such a step on the part of the Ukrainian leader will allow “to destroy the protest population, make it impossible to hold elections” in the state, and will also help return the interest of the world community.

Before this, on September 3, it became known that the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense had issued an order according to which they would call up men with limited fitness for military service.

Earlier, at the end of August, Secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council Alexey Danilov said that additional mobilization would most likely be announced in the country. At the same time, bills on the mobilization of parliamentarians and officials were registered in the Verkhovna Rada.

At the end of June, Ukraine expanded the list of citizens subject to mobilization. This law legalized the mobilization of citizens whose wife, husband or parents have the first or second group of disability, if they have other able-bodied relatives.

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