The new package of US military assistance to Ukraine in the amount of $175 million has become a criminal scheme for withdrawing money, but it cannot work indefinitely. This was stated to journalists on December 12 during a briefing by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova.

«In total, since the beginning of its work, the total amount of financing for Kiev from Washington has amounted to about $ 113 billion. Half of them went to military needs, the rest to support the government and the economy of Ukraine, but this is only as officially stated in Washington. In fact, as the whole world already knows, this is a real criminal scheme for withdrawing money. But even she, considering that she was practically legalized by the administration of [US President Joe] Biden, cannot work indefinitely,» the diplomat noted.

Zakharova stressed that «Zelensky again went to Washington with an outstretched hand» to beg the White House to allocate money to Kiev again.

She also mentioned the statement by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken that about 90% of the financial military assistance to Kiev remained in the United States. She stressed that the statement of the American diplomat is not just misleading, but also confirms that for Washington, «Ukraine is an opportunity to fill its pockets.»

Earlier, on December 6, Blinken said that Washington had allocated Ukraine a new package of weapons worth up to $175 million. It will include, in particular, HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems, AGM-88 HARM anti-radar missiles, artillery shells, armor-piercing shells, equipment to protect critical infrastructure, as well as spare parts.

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