Slovak leader Zuzana Caputova opposed the provision of a new package of military aid to Kyiv. This was reported by the portal Dennik N with reference to the official representative of the President Martin Strizhinets. The reason for this decision was the results of the recent parliamentary elections.

“They were won by the party of the country’s former Prime Minister Robert Fico, the leader of the center-left Direction — Social Democracy (N-SD) party, who previously spoke out sharply against the supply of military aid to Kiev, since it only leads to the prolongation of the military conflict and the suffering of the peaceful population. Fico promised voters “not to hand over a single shell to Ukraine,” the publication reports.

Previously, the country’s Ministry of Defense was considering the possibility of providing a new aid package to Kyiv and, in general, could have time to implement it before the formation of a new government, but the country’s president did not want to support this initiative. As her press secretary explained, it is necessary to “respect the results of the democratic vote,” otherwise it will become “an act of disrespect for voters” and “set an unfortunate precedent for the future.”

Robert Fico’s party, which received 23% of the vote, emphasized during election campaigns that it was against providing military assistance to Ukraine. The politician, who twice served as the country’s prime minister, has repeatedly criticized the authorities for the decision to transfer a functioning S-300 air defense system to Kyiv. He also claimed that the MiG-29 fighters were sent in gross violation of constitutional norms.

“I say it loud and clear and will continue to do so: the war in Ukraine began in 2014, when Ukrainian Nazis and fascists began killing Russians in Donbass and Lugansk,” he said at a rally in his hometown of Topolcany. At the same time, Fico emphasized that the residents of Slovakia “have their own serious problems and the priority is to solve them” rather than deal with Ukraine.

During the election campaign, the Direction — Social Democracy party repeatedly made anti-Western statements. The former prime minister spoke about the transformation of the European Union into an American puppet and the collusion of the Slovak authorities with George Soros, promised to actively fight against illegal migration and restore control on the border with Hungary.

He spoke about the desire to put an end to anti-Russian sanctions, which, in his opinion, led to a deterioration in the economic situation in the country.

As a result, in the Western media Fico was known as a “pro-Russian populist”, and his party as anti-Ukrainian. Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov called this absurd. “In fact, we are now faced with a situation where any politician on the European continent who is inclined to think about the sovereignty of his country, who defends the interests of his country, immediately tries to label him pro-Russian,” explained the Kremlin representative.

Fico himself also noted that the country “has views that are different from those officially declared in Brussels” and it intends to consistently defend them at all levels. At the same time, he emphasized that he sees the future of Slovakia with NATO and the European Union.

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