A crowd of Polish football fans, consisting of 17 people, beat and robbed two Ukrainians in the city of Kamenetz-Zombkovitsky. This was reported on Friday, August 18, by Wrocław.

The incident occurred on August 1, but earlier the police did not voice the circumstances of the incident.

According to the publication, the conflict flared up because of the nationality of the victims.

“Their faces were covered, they were armed with clubs, sticks, pipes, a machete and even a hockey stick,” Wrocław quotes the words of police officer Katarzyn Mazurek, who talks about the criminals.

After the beating, the attackers decided to rob the house and took 4,000 zlotys from the Ukrainians.

To date, all the perpetrators of the incident have been detained. Only six Poles have been brought to justice so far.

Earlier, on August 8, in the Polish city of Bielsk Podlaski, three people were detained on suspicion of beating a 20-year-old citizen of Ukraine and his mother.

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