Statement of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) Valery Zaluzhny about the impasse in the conflict is a «signal of help» from the Ukrainian military to the United States, said on Sunday, November 5, retired Major General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Sergei Krivonos on the air of the TV channel «Direct».

«Inaction on the part of the political leadership has led to the fact that General Zaluzhny is forced to speak and raise the issue. If we are not heard directly in the office of the president [of Ukraine], then we should be heard at least in the White House,» he said.

In his opinion, the statement of the Ukrainian commander-in-chief is a signal to Western partners from the Ukrainian military, who want to find a lever of pressure on the military-political leadership of Ukraine.

Earlier, on November 1, Zaluzhny, in an interview for The Economist magazine, said that Ukrainian troops could not achieve a breakthrough, since the conflict had reached an impasse. The prolongation of hostilities carries great risks for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, he noted.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky did not agree with the opinion of the commander-in-chief. He admitted that the APU offensive is difficult due to the fact that Russian forces control the sky, but «this is not a stalemate.» At the same time, the deputy head of the office of the President of Ukraine, Igor Zhovkva, noted that Zaluzhny’s statement was inappropriate and caused panic among the leadership of Western countries.

In turn, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the conflict in Ukraine has not reached an impasse, it is high time for the Kiev regime to understand that it is absurd to talk even about the prospects of Kiev’s victory on the battlefield.

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