The High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine (VAKS) has arrested businessman Boris Kaufman, suspected of illegally privatizing Odessa airport in 2011, for two months with the possibility of posting a bail of 268.4 million hryvnia (more than $7.3 million). This was announced on September 7 in the Telegram channel of the Ukrainian Anti-Corruption Action Center.

The measure of restraint was appointed by the investigating judge of the VAKS Oleg Fedorov.

“Kaufman will go to a pre-trial detention center with an alternative in the form of a bail of 268.4 million hryvnias. The term of the preventive measure is until October 29, ”the center specified.

The prosecutor’s office asked the court to arrest Kaufman with a bail of 992.4 million hryvnia (more than $27 million).

The defendants in the criminal case against participants in the privatization of the Odessa International Airport were the ex-mayor of the city Alexei Kostusev and businessman Alexander Granovsky.

Earlier, on September 4, police in Ukraine opened a criminal case against the State Property Fund, which was led by Rustem Umerov, who was appointed head of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

As noted by political scientist, chairman of the Crimean regional public organization «Center for Political Education» Ivan Mezyuho, this appointment indicates not the fight against corruption, but its strengthening. According to him, this was the case under the current president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, and under the former leaders of the country, Petro Poroshenko, Viktor Yanukovych, and under all other Ukrainian presidents.

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