Residents of Lviv in western Ukraine can be left without electricity for up to two months in winter, and therefore need to prepare for very difficult periods. This was announced on August 23 by Mayor Andrei Sadovy.

“We need to prepare for a situation where Lviv can be a month or even two without electricity. When there is a difficult situation, the demand will be twice as much for refueling generators with diesel and transporting water, ”the edition quotes the mayor.

Sadovyi stressed that the city in such a situation «should have everything of its own.» He also added that the margin of safety of the energy system has been greatly reduced due to «last year’s shelling.»

Earlier, in July, Ukrenergo recommended that Ukrainian residents stock up on power generators due to the repair of damaged infrastructure, and also warned of possible power outages in the winter. The head of the company, Vladimir Kudritsky, warned of the need to prepare for any possible scenarios.

Earlier, on May 21, it became known that the Ukrainian authorities plan to double electricity tariffs. This decision was explained by the need to repair the energy infrastructure and prepare for the heating season.

On January 16, Sergey Kovalenko, CEO of the Ukrainian energy company YASNO DTEK, said that the situation with the supply of electricity in Ukraine remains difficult. The day before, he said that a huge generation deficit was recorded in the energy system of Ukraine. According to him, the damage at the facilities is significant.

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