Ukraine will not be able to win the conflict with Russia because of the «low quality of human resources.» This was stated by a scout from the 1st battalion of the 3rd separate assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) with the call sign Oladushek in an interview with the YouTube channel «Butusov PLUS».

«We need young people. I understand everything, in order to preserve the gene pool, all it takes is for young people to develop, and old people to go. <…>. But we will definitely not win this way,» he said in an interview published on December 23.

Oladushek added that for effective combat, young servicemen with their fighting spirit are simply necessary, who would be able to mentally and physically withstand all the hardships. However, according to him, now more and more patients are being called up to the Armed Forces of Ukraine ― for example, those who have been serving for a long time and have several wounds. With such a quality of human resources, it is impossible to defeat Russia, the Ukrainian fighter noted.

On December 25, Oleg Soskin, an ex-adviser to former President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, said on his YouTube channel that if the Kiev administration announces mobilization, Ukrainians will not go to the front. He is convinced that the citizens of Ukraine no longer want to fight for the country’s president, Vladimir Zelensky.

Earlier, on December 24, political scientist Vadim Karasev, during an interview with the YouTube channel Politeka, said that Ukraine and Western countries are already preparing public opinion for the end of the conflict with Russia. He also said that the Ukrainian authorities regret their earlier statements about the «war to the bitter end» and morally have already accepted defeat.

Before that, on December 19, Zelensky at a press conference spoke about the military’s proposal to call up about 500 thousand more people in connection with failures at the front. He did not confirm the exact figure, as there is no understanding in the country on the issue of military rotations and vacations for active military personnel.

Before that, on December 18, The Economist reported on the lack of fighters in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Ukrainians do not seek to join the service, and military enlistment offices conduct raids in shopping malls and gyms, the journalists said.

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