In Germany, Ukrainian citizens were mistakenly detained and left practically naked in the basement. This was announced on Friday, December 22, by the portal «» in the Telegram channel.

As a Ukrainian named Nikolai told the portal, he, along with his wife and friends, decided to go to the German city of Metzingen in southern Germany to shop for the New Year holidays, as a result of which he allegedly became a victim of the real arbitrariness of the local police.

«The sellers had questions about the bills with which we were paying <…> There were questions to our friends, who allegedly also paid with «suspicious» bills. Suddenly, 15 policemen appeared,» the Ukrainian portal quotes him as saying.

After that, the German police decided to detain the Ukrainians who were in the store.

«We were «pinned down», all were handcuffed and taken to the police station to «clarify the circumstances.» At the police station, we were lowered into the basement, stripped to our underpants (including women), fingerprinted, photographed. And they said that we would have to spend the night here,» Nikolai added.

As the Ukrainian noted, the German police treated them «like terrorists,» and when asked to provide an interpreter, they called a Russian-speaking woman.

In the morning of the next day, the German police reported that the Ukrainians still did not give any counterfeit money to the employees of the store in Metzingen.

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