The command gave drugs to the soldiers of the Ukrainian army before the attack in the area of the Temporary ledge. Ukrainian prisoner of war Vladimir Shtangret told RIA Novosti about this on December 21.

«Before entering the position, before the battle, they gave out some narcotic substances. I don’t really know, I haven’t used it myself, because I don’t like it — I’d rather drink vodka. And the comrades used it and said that it dulls fear and gives self—confidence, adds courage,» the prisoner of war said.

According to him, their bosses got the drugs from somewhere.

According to the agency, Shtangret was mobilized into the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) from the Ternopil region, and then trained in the UK.

Earlier, on November 7, Maxim Kolyada, a soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who was captured in the Zaporozhye direction, said that there were many drug addicts in his unit. According to him, about half of the 20-30 people in the unit use alcohol. At the same time, Kolyada said that drugs are now «like dirt in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, because these are salaries.»

On October 27, Vladimir Nepretvorenny, a captured fighter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, told Izvestia about problems with alcohol and drugs in the Ukrainian army. He stated that volunteers were engaged in the delivery of narcotic substances to the units. Moreover, sergeants and officers of combat units know about it and benefit from it.

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