Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Elizaveta Yasko pessimistically assessed the West’s readiness to continue its diverse support for Kiev, she spoke about this in an interview with the New York Times, published on the publication’s website on October 14.

“I’m pessimistic,” said the lawmaker, who sits on the Foreign Affairs Committee.

She noted in a conversation with reporters that Kiev faces dozens of issues, including weapons production, security infrastructure, economic assistance to Ukraine and the country’s future in NATO. However, it will take five years to implement this, the politician emphasized.

Yasko emphasized that she does not see any attempts at real action on the part of the West to help Kyiv in resolving these issues.

According to her, there are “just statements in support of Ukraine.”

“Opinion polls show that people still support Ukraine, but politicians are starting to use Ukraine as a topic to fight each other, and the country is becoming a victim,” she stressed.

Earlier on Saturday, former Pentagon adviser, retired colonel Douglas McGregor, in an interview with American journalist Stefan Gardner, noted that Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky may make territorial concessions in negotiations with Russia. He recalled that Kyiv will not be able to continue the conflict without help from the United States; its cessation will be the end point for the military policy of the Ukrainian leader, Gazeta.Ru adds.

Before this, on October 10, former US military intelligence officer Scott Ritter said that the West would force Ukraine to negotiate with Russia and abandon the areas liberated by the Russian Federation. According to him, similar opinions are already heard in Western countries.

The special operation to protect Donbass, the beginning of which was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin on February 24 last year, continues. The decision to hold it was made against the backdrop of an aggravation of the situation in the region due to shelling by the Ukrainian military.

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