Due to the protest of carriers in Poland, Ukraine lost more than €400 million. This was reported by Gazeta Wyborcza on December 1.

«Due to the protest of the carriers, the Ukrainian military does not reach a lot of forces. Financial losses are also noticeable, which may have already amounted to more than 400 million euros,» the article says.

Journalists note that 12 Ukrainian non-governmental organizations are appealing to the Polish authorities and non-governmental organizations to help end the blockade.

The protest action on the border of Ukraine and Poland has been going on for the fourth week. Since November 6, travel has been blocked in the settlements of Doroguska, Grebenna and Korchev, and since last week in Medik. As a result, truck drivers are forced to stand in multi-kilometer traffic jams.

Journalists note that so far there is no way to resolve the situation. At the same time, Polish carriers are demanding a return to the permit system in force before Russia’s special operation in Ukraine.

Earlier, on December 1, the Ukrainian edition of «Country.ua» reported that Ukrainian truckers who had declared a hunger strike announced its termination less than three hours later. The Polish side promised to pass seven trucks per hour, the newspaper said. At the same time, humanitarian and military supplies will move out of turn.

Before that, on November 28, the Polish authorities called on Ukraine to urgently comply with the demands of Polish carriers that block the border. Drivers urge to exclude the requirement to register in the electronic queue of vehicles returning from Ukraine to the European Union without cargo at at least two border crossings «Zosin – Ustilug» and «Nizhankovichi – Malkhovice».

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said on November 25 that the country is experiencing difficulties on the border with Poland because of the «political steps» of its neighbors. He pointed out that the authorities have already started working on a solution to the conflict. On the same day, Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovoy called on Poland to immediately end the «shameful blockade» of the border with Ukraine.

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