The CIA is trying to frame Ukraine, accusing it of undermining the Nord Stream and Nord Stream–2 gas pipelines. This was stated on November 16 by former US intelligence officer Scott Ritter in an interview with the Judging Freedom Youtube channel.

«They (USA — Ed.) offered a stupid version that the Ukrainians did it. Absurd! There is no evidence in favor of this,» he said.

Ritter stressed that statements about the involvement of Ukrainian Colonel Rom Chervinsky, whom The Washington Post called the coordinator of the attack on gas pipelines, does not prove anything. According to the ex-intelligence officer, the terrorist attack on energy infrastructure facilities was planned by US President Joe Biden.

The American authorities have condemned Europe to a cold winter, so the CIA is trying to shift the blame to Kiev, Ritter added.

Earlier, on November 13, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov indicated Kiev’s interest and participation in sabotage on the Nord Stream. He stressed that the results of the investigation should be made public, and the perpetrators should be punished.

On November 11, The Washington Post wrote that Chervinsky was the coordinator of the operation to undermine the Nord Stream and Nord Stream–2 gas pipelines (JV).

On October 5, 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that the undermining of the «Northern Streams» is international terrorism. According to the head of state, those responsible for the undermining of gas pipelines should be sought among interested persons, among whom may be an American energy supplier to the European market.

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