Law enforcement agencies detained a man who started shooting in a Kiev business center. He turned out to be a former military man. This was reported by

According to the source, the incident occurred at 07:20 in the Solomensky district of Kyiv in the Silver business center. A man in a bulletproof vest burst into the building, kicked out the guards and shot twice into the ceiling.

The guards hid in safe places, after which the offender warned that the entrance to the business center would be mined in the event of an assault by special forces.

Kord special forces arrived at the scene. The man surrendered himself. He refused to explain the motives for his behavior, a law enforcement source noted.

Earlier, on October 5, in the American city of Holyoke, Massachusetts, there was a shooting on a bus. It became known that three suspects opened fire in a vehicle as a result of an argument, injuring several people, including a woman in late stages of pregnancy. They managed to hospitalize her, but the child died soon after birth.

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