A criminal case was opened into the beating of two conscripts by employees of the military registration and enlistment office in Ternopil, as reported in the Telegram channel of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine on October 8.

“Criminal proceedings have been launched into the beating of two military servicemen in Ternopil,” the department said in a statement.

Ukrainian media published a video of conscripts being beaten by two employees of the military registration and enlistment office located in Ternopil. Men in camouflage uniforms beat two civilians lying on their beds. The scene looks like an army barracks: the room has bare walls and identical metal beds are arranged in rows. There are other military personnel in the room, but they do not interfere with what is happening.

The Attorney General’s Office assessed the actions of the military registration and enlistment office employees as «the use of physical force» and «an official’s abuse of power or authority under wartime conditions.»

The mayor of Ternopil, Sergei Nadal, on his page on the social network Facebook, which is banned in Russia, called on the military registration and enlistment office employees to be correct towards conscripts.

Earlier, on September 4, a captured militant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) said that in Kyiv it is shameful and dangerous to walk the streets in military uniform. According to him, civilians are afraid that a person in uniform is bringing them a summons, so they can “hit them with a bottle.”

On August 17, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky signed a decree on the dismissal of regional military commissars; the decision was made based on the results of a corruption check. He instructed the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhny, to appoint military personnel who took part in hostilities to these positions.

On August 5, employees of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) of Ukraine detained the head of the district military registration and enlistment office in Kyiv in the case of organizing the illegal departure of men of military age from the country.

Martial law in Ukraine has been in effect since February 2022. At the same time, Zelensky signed a decree on general mobilization. Later, the Verkhovna Rada repeatedly extended its validity. Most men between the ages of 18 and 60 are prohibited from leaving the country.

The special operation to protect Donbass, the start of which was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin on February 24, 2022, continues. The decision was made against the backdrop of an aggravation of the situation in the region due to shelling by the Ukrainian military.

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