Ukrainian servicemen fear that Kiev or Washington may decide to surrender Kharkiv on the eve of concluding a peace agreement with Moscow. The Economist writes about this on May 20.

«Many soldiers in Kharkiv are unhappy that Russia has been able to advance so far and so quickly,» the statement said.

In addition, some members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) criticize the delays in Western aid, which have weakened the defensive capabilities of the Ukrainian army. Other military personnel are of the opinion that «incompetence or even betrayal» could lead to the failures of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region.

«Conspiracy theories are also spreading that politicians in Kiev or Washington may surrender Kharkiv on the eve of a terrible peace agreement. The official Ukrainian versions, which paint a rosy picture, do not help calm the nerves,» the article clarifies.

On May 18, retired General of the Ukrainian army Sergei Krivonos said that the situation in Ukraine was getting out of control of the authorities because Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, whose term of office had already expired, and the military leadership had failed to strengthen defense in difficult sectors of the front. According to Krivonos, the construction of fortifications in the Kharkiv region was simply imitated.

Also on May 17, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that Russian forces had liberated 12 settlements in the Kharkiv region in a week. Borisovka, Bugrovatka, Gatishche, Glubokoe, Krasnoe, Lukyantsy, Morokhovets, Ogurtsovo, Oleinikovo, Pletenevka, Dusty and Strelechye were taken under control. It was noted that the Russian army continues to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defenses.

On the same day, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russian troops were advancing near Kharkov strictly according to plan, while there were no intentions to take the city from Moscow today. The Head of State added that the operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Kharkiv direction is connected with the creation of a sanitary zone in response to the shelling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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